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Do what my wife does when making RPG chars. 1)close your eyes, type some giberish2)remove vowels typed in the giberish3)now add vowels at your duscretion to create phoentically apealing sounds.

Medic (english)


el médico (the spanish name for Medic)


Mediziner (German)


medico (Italian)


De dokter (Dutch)


санитар (Russian)




The Healer (English)


O Curandeiro (Portugues)


De Genezer (Dutch)


Il Guaritore (Italian)


Der Heiler (German)


Le Guérisseur (French)


El Curador (Spanish)




Sarah Lane...... :shock: oops I did it again.. :oops:

Are you creating a RPG :?:Anyway here's few names you could use. I give them in French (male terms only - ask if you want the female terms) and English :Chasseur de Maux (Illness Hunter)Apaisant (Soothing man - I don't like the English translation)Sage-remède (Wise-cure)Donneur de Vie (Life Giver)Using them in French will give to them a mystical touch I think. Have a good game (adn a good work if you are creating a RPG - I know it's hard :!: )

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