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Activision secretly experimented on 50% of Call of Duty players by 'decreasing' skill-based matchmaking


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  • Gator changed the title to Activision secretly experimented on 50% of Call of Duty players by 'decreasing' skill-based matchmaking

Well, not sure how I feel about that. I mean if they are doing internal testing I dont feel they need to tell anyone anything about it however I'm less forgiving than I would be since they pushed it on live servers all stealth mode. They got lucky this time if people liked the change as much as they think they do but it could have gone horribly wrong. 
Skill based matchmaking is a good idea to keep players playing because really who want to get roflstomped every time you play a game but no game company has figured out the sweet spot really well yet. I will say I did like the original way PUBG didn't even try to use SBMM and just dumped the first 100 folks into a free for all. Sometimes you got lucky others you got stomped but it was good... until every cheating script kiddie on the planet decided to use cheats in the game.  

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