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Found the servers, can't connect!


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Hey,thanks for the replys. I have a follow up question: I am now able to find where all the other servers are simply by getting their IP's and manually typing them in, but when I try to connect, it says that im running under a different protocol or my dll differs from the client? what does that mean, how can I fix?SenTinel51
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Hey all, I was running FA under the non Steam version. I have Steam installed and I see so many more servers now! It's like it's Christmas in February! Anyways, my questions are answered, thanks Gator! The only problem now, is I cannot play with my buddies from ASLT, IR8, DEEPWATERS, etc, is there any way I can play with these guys using Steam, or do I have to re-install under the other version to play with them? SenTinel51
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