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I don't know if it'll run well on your system CJ, but it will definately work and should still be fun. Norm's running off a Geforce2 video card, and seems to be able to get around OK :( .


Most of us who've played Vietnam (we have about 16 clan members and another 5 regulars with a copy of BFV already) are pretty excited about it. It adds some new dimensions to gameplay and is a lot of fun. We've discussed the possibilities with DC and Vietnam, and most of us suspect that the two will merge in some way or another... and hope that DC comes out under the Vietnam engine soon so we can add some of the features of the new engine.


In the meantime, we'll probably mix up the games on the server for some variety-- we won't stop playing DC now that Vietnam is out, but it's nice to be able to have our own server this first weekend... we tried to coordinate joining another server, but had all sorts of trouble with servers filling up, etc. We may set up a rotation between DC and Vietnam, but DC is definately not going anywhere.


Take care,


How will that work though?


Wouldn't you have to change cd's between maps considering that BF:1942 and Vietnam are two different games and linked to each other?


And how would the stats be tracked?

*cries* I'm running off a Geforce2 as well, but nobody cares, do they?! /pouts in cornerI have an old 1988 Chevy 1500 Ext. cab that's going to be MY wheels. So I won't be getting a new computer anytime soon, the truck drinks gas like an alchoholic with his alchomohol.
I wonder if Vietnam would run on my mediocre PC and on its lowest settings.



256mb. RAM

Radeon 7500 64mb.

Adelphia Powerlink (supposedly faster than DSL)


52X cd drive

it probaly wont work. if u still want to try it, use the 3.7 drivers. go to planetbattlefield.com forums and see how much ppl complain about it with pc's 3 times better than that
For the most part Desert Combat probably has the same PC requirements as BF: Vietnam.I know that DC has hihger requirements than plain old Battlefield:1942. IIn 1942 I can play on a 40-50 player server with no or at least little lag on medium detail settings.In DC, all it takes is 24 players to have lag, but that is not at the lowest graphics settings.
I upgraded my ATI drivers last night (Radeon 9000) and the game performance improved. I can run half the maps in 800X600X32 with modest settings, and in lower res I can crank up more of the features. I you can play DC, chances are you can play BF:V with some tweaking.Current systemAMD 2200+ Underclocked at 1.65 ghz384 megs of DDR MemRadeon 9000 with 128 megs of video ramXP systemOld Sound Blaster Live! sound card.
Runs good on pc1 @ 800x32, med details, high sound on 1.5 ghz intel cpu/asus mobo/512 cache/512 ram/gforce xfx 128 mb (g4?) ... in easy single player ... yet to try big mutli match with more movement and such which will demand more of your vid card, cpu, and ram.Runs good as above in pc2 @ 800x16, low details, high sound on 1.3 ghz amd cpu/k7 triton mobo/512 cache/512 ram/gforce 2-64 mb. i may find it choppy in multiplayer ... when i get around to try it.box shows minimum and optimum requirements as will details on net. it said gf3-64. but seems the 64 mb vram matters more then version of geforce.reamdme.txt on cd says some problems with other cards. prefers gforce.
The DC server has rarely reached 10 players since BF: Vietnam came out.

We are playing both, so some members will be playing different gammes on different days...basically changing from game to game. Vietnam is new to everyone now, so just wait a while until the newness runs off. :D We all stil very much like DC, but some of us want to play BF:V as well. It's all good... :mrgreen:
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